If you are only playing a character in a roleplaying game then you are missing half the fun.
I saw a post on reddit the other day asking about what system to use for a home-brew setting.
I answered why not get your friends together and come up with your own set of rules?
I would think it could be great fun for a group of friends to jointly create a rules system for a home-brew game.
If you are going to be creating the setting anyway, why not go the extra mile and create the rules for it as well. Why not take a stab at the art work too.
A great deal of the fun for me in the RPG world is the creativity of it all. Everyone has some level of creativity inside wanting to break free. Building a RPG is a great way to release that creativity. There should be absolutely zero constraint on the starting possibilities.
As you build you will refine it. Lay out every idea on the table for examination. Test it. Play it. Does it fail or pass? If it fails, then tweak it a bit and try it again. It could be great fun being a part of a totally new creation.
π² Let It Roll π²
R. A. Rice